Have You Given Up On Banners?

Well this banner is currently getting me traffic, signups and commissions from 12 different programs.

Best of all?

This Marketing System Grows Itself!

I sent a little traffic to get things moving, and now it generates it's own traffic...

Sending me even more sign-ups in the Viral Traffic Programs...

And even more commissions in the Paid Traffic Programs.

And the whole thing runs on full-auto, using a brand new Viral Banner Exchange called EzBanEx.

EzBanEx is still in pre-launch, but you can claim a free Founding Member account below:

Claim Your Free Account Here!

Want To Know More?

If you like to get the full picture before you dive in, that's a good thing. All these things take time and there's no point starting if you aren't going to see it through. So here it is in a nutshell...

Your Viral Traffic System Is Built On EzBanEx.

On the surface EzBanEx is a fairly traditional Banner Exchange. You embed the Banner Exchange Code on your websites and blogs. That then shows other people's banners which earns you credits... which you then use to show your banners on all the other sites.

Right now we are just weeks in since our launch, and our Banner Exchange Codes are showing on different domains!

Now that's impressive, but it gets even better. You also earn credits when your referrals show banners. And their referrals. And their referrals. And so on. Down through 6 levels!

So in a really simplified example, if you referred just 3 active members, and they all did the same as you, in time you'd have over 2,000 people showing our banner exchange code...

Showing YOUR banners and earning YOU credits.

No website of your own? No Problem!

The Banner Exchange Codes have been set up in a way that you can submit them anywhere you can submit a banner link!

There are literally thousands of these sites... think every traffic exchange you've ever joined... including all those where you probably have a few 'lifetime banners' not doing much!

The EzBanEx Approach

EzBanEx is everything you could wish for in a Banner Exchange...

  • NINE (9) Modern/Popular Banner Sizes
  • Generous Instant Bonuses For All Referrals
  • Matching Bonuses on Your Referrals Earnings
  • Matching Bonuses Paid Through 6 Levels
  • Built-In Traffic Generation System
  • Built-In Recurring Commission Machine
  • Built-In Fully-Funded Premium Traffic!
  • Brand New With Enormous Potential For Growth

The Viral Traffic System

This part uses six Proven Traffic Generators and there's a really good chance you have some of them already. But even if you don't, they're all free to use and quick to set up.

When you follow our Set Up Guide and add our recommended links to each of these, you'll create a powerful system that quite literally generates it's own long-term traffic.

That traffic is then used to promote the whole package and each individual component, so over time the system generates even more traffic, leads and sales for you .

Our Set Up Guide will show you exactly how to do this right, so even a total newbie will have no trouble creating this viral traffic system.

  • EzBannerz is Viral Set-n-Forget Marketing at it's best. Add your details and let EzBanEx do the rest.
  • Buckets of Banners is one of the oldest and biggest banner exchanges so we put it to very good use.
  • Traffic G is one of the biggest and busiest traffic exchanges, but we won't be doing any surfing!
  • Share My Ads is a newer banner exchange with multiple banner sizes and a generous exchange rate.
  • Viral URL offers a big package of pro marketing tools. We only use one of them here so be sure to check out the rest sometime.
  • Genie Co-op is a vital part of our set up, plus we recommend you use everywhere you can!

The Recurring Commission Machine

This part uses three more Proven Programs with a strong history of providing valuable services and prompt payouts. Again these are free to promote and when you're ready to ramp things up they will very quickly pay for themselves...

Each of these offer affordable upgrade options, that give you access to even better tools to grow your business, no matter what it is. You'll immediately generate even better quality traffic and a whole lot more of it. All fully funded by this system.

  • EzClix offers real buyer traffic at an affordable price at the click of a button. It also pays 50% commissions, so two just signups and your own traffic is fully funded!
  • LeadsLeap is one of the stickiest affiliate programs out there. When people are ready to upgrade they know exactly what they're getting and they stay upgraded... and you keep getting paid!
  • AdCardz is one we mostly use for free, but anytime any of your referrals do sign up, you can expect them to stay subscribed for years!

Not Interested Right Now?

That's OK! This will take a little time and effort to set up and launch, and that means it won't be for everyone.

So if you leave now, you'll definitely see it again, and you can obviously take a close look then. It will still be a great free offer and all you'll lose is a bit more time. Time that this system could have been growing itself!

So if you've read this far, then I really would recommend that you take the first step NOW and click here to claim your free EzBanEx Account.

Want To Explore The Individual Programs?

That OK too, you'll find links to each of them above. Just remember, as good as these are individually, they're even better when you connect them into a viral system that re-uses and recycles every single visitor. That's what lets you to promote your main offer and grow the system at the same time.

If you find yourself thinking there's a few here worth a closer look, be sure to come back and check out EzBanEx as well...

Of course if you already have some of these, then consider that work already completed...

Meaning you could set up your own EzBanEx system even faster!

It's just a thought...

Claim Your Free Account Here!

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Getting Members Details:
BOB => 27051
TRG => 79983
SMA => 8949
VRL => chances

Getting Random as Backup:
BOB => 27051
TRG => 79983
SMA => 8949
VRL => chances

Swapping out empties:
BOB => 27051
TRG => 79983
SMA => 8949
VRL => chances